Create a Lovely Dating Banner in Photoshop

This tutorial will show you how to create a lovely banner that can be used as a dating website banner or just to advertise your product on a valentine’s day.

01. Create a long shape by using a Rounded Rectangle tool. Then double click on your shape, choose Gradient Overlay and set your color from one color to another.

02. Then take the Custom Shape Tool and create your shape.

03. Double click on your shape, choose Gradient Overlay and pick a lighter shades of colors.

04. Then set the Stroke to 1 and add a small stroke around in the Stroke tab.

05. Now add a small shadow in the Drop Shadow tab.

06. Create a new layer, take the Brush Tool, set the color to white and gently brush over your shape’s upper side.

07. While still your white layer selected, Ctrl + click on your shape layer’s thumbnail so it gets a selection. Then go from the menu Select – Inverse and press Delete to get rid of all the white around the shape.

08. Now go to Edit – Transform – Scale and make your shape smaller.

09. Lower the opacity to 30% or a bit higher.

10. Set your shape on the banner background so that the layer would be a bit outside of it. It leaves a more interesting feeling to it. And we all know that a banner should be something to be noticed.

11. Duplicate the Original heart, resize the duplicate (Edit – Transform – Scale) and turn it as needed.

12. Now pick the Type Tool and insert your text. The headline more bold and larger, subtitle smaller and thinner.

Add some more text and your banner is done!